Dear Patients,
We now offer the option to make your appointments online. Please click on the following button:
Additionally you can still call to make your appointments (please be aware that our phone hours have changed).
- daily von 8-11 Uhr
- Mondays and Thursdays from 2-4:30 pm
For urgent appointments please call directly the office at 8:00am. In addition, we have reserved appointments for referals from family doctors or general practitioners. Your doctor generally calls in for you if he thinks you need to be seen urgently.
Unfortunately, we can only offer limited appointments for new patients or patients who would like to switch to us. Our capacities are limitied and we can not fully meet the demand at this moment.
We ask new patients to solely check online for available appointments. In urgent cases, you can call in for our emergency/open hour or ask your family doctor for a urgent referal or a referal with a so called TSVG code. TSVG appointnments are given out on the following webpage: - The eAppointment Service: simply to the appointment
We generally will not answer emails with requests for appointments, but you can cancel an appointment or mail any additional related documents to your case by sending us an email to :